


shadow economy, sphere of economic activity, countermeasures


The article is devoted to topical issues of combating the shadow economy in the field of economic activity. The issue of the «shadow» sector of the national economy is considered, and the interpretation of the concept of the «shadow economy» as a self-organized system that develops according to the main economic principles is presented. It was revealed that the interpretation of the concept is due to the difference in the goals and tasks that researchers set for themselves in their application of different methods and methodologies. Both the structure of the shadow economy, on the one hand, and the tools for its measurement, on the other, are controversial. It has been proven that criminal offenses committed with the help of the shadow economy in the economic sphere during the last three years continue to decrease rapidly, which clearly indicates the weakening of the fight against economic crime. This research is clearly illustrated with the help of a histogram. It was determined that the majority of such criminal offenses are committed with the help of «cyberspace», modern information technologies, which are difficult to resist, since the existing security measures are not sufficiently powerful and progressive in comparison with world technologies. In the conclusions, a toolkit for combating the shadow economy in the field of economic activity is proposed, which includes: improvement of existing methods for calculating the level of the shadow economy, taking into account world practice; creation of conditions for the detinization of the social and political process; improvement of legislation in the field of combating economic criminal offenses; combating the shadow economy in the real sector by reducing transaction costs and improving the state permit system, etc.

Author Biographies

Hryhorchuk M.V., KROK University, Kyiv, Ukraine

Ph.D. in Law, Associate Professor of Department of the state legal disciplines

Zmerzlyi D.R., KROK University, Kyiv, Ukraine

graduate of the Master’s degree


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How to Cite

Hryhorchuk M.V., & Zmerzlyi D.R. (2024). COMBATING THE SHADOW ECONOMY IN THE SPHERE OF ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES. Legal Bulletin, (№11), 50–56.



Section II. Civil Law and International Law