: mediation, alternative method of conflict resolution, family, family conflict, family mediationAbstract
The article is devoted to the study of the key aspects of mediation in family dispute resolution. In particular, the author examines Recommendation No. R (98) 1 of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe to Member States on mediation in family matters, adopted by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe at the 616th meeting of deputy ministers on January 21, 1998, and the Law of Ukraine "On Mediation" in terms of family dispute resolution.
Mediation in family conflicts is becoming an increasingly popular procedure for resolving various disputes that may arise between spouses, blood family members, or individuals living together as a family. The family institution itself is constantly evolving; it is an integral part of every member of society, in the family we grow up and absorb certain values of life. However, even in the friendliest families, at first glance, conflicts occur that may require help in resolving. It is good if such situations are resolved within the family and there is no need to go to court or mediation, but a significant percentage of cases still end up in court. Mediation is a flexible, economically beneficial, confidential process in which the parties, through their own efforts, with the support of a mediator, seek a solution that will satisfy their interests and resolve the conflict. The commonality of the decision is the most important thing that the process gives us, because the parties find a link between them and thus come to an understanding. Mediation does not guarantee that the family will remain as it was, but it can help maintain good relations between the parties.
The article also discusses the importance of the role of a mediator as an intermediary in the process of resolving a family conflict, its main significance in organizing and managing the process. The author emphasizes the importance of raising public awareness of mediation as an alternative method of conflict resolution.
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