security, information security, threats to information security, national security, information loss, cybercrime, information technology, information lawAbstract
. The article is devoted to analyzing information security in the aspect of major risks and threats that arise during information storage and exchange. Technological progress affects all aspects of human life, and innovations in the information industry, along with their numerous advantages, lead to the emergence of unprecedented challenges to human security in its various dimensions.
Modern information technologies significantly impact individuals by expanding access to information and continually increasing its volume. Gradually, users deepen their understanding of the essence of informational processes, enhance their ability to comprehend and generalize acquired knowledge, develop specific skills, and increase the level of professional competence. People worldwide stay connected through the internet, freely publishing information about their activities, interactions, and other aspects of personal life, often forgetting about their own security. Cases of insufficiently protected and vulnerable resources being used by governmental institutions and organizations for external criminal purposes are particularly dangerous. It is also necessary to consider that excessive immersion in the virtual world threatens individuals with the loss of their individuality and ethnocultural identity, social self-isolation, and the intensification of dehumanization of the work process.
The article notes that each modern state and numerous international organizations face a new task regarding the necessity of developing the information culture of society. As the level of informational needs of modern society constantly grows, researchers should focus their attention on studying all possible threats in the field of information storage and exchange, developing mechanisms to effectively counter illegal access to information, and reducing the risks of its loss or damage.
The work also focuses on researching the main forms of unauthorized access to information, describing the key characteristics of unlawful actions that threaten information security.
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