private detective activity, private detective, detective services, lawcooperation, operatively - searchactivity, control, contract.Abstract
Arguments in favor of the introduction of the institute of private detective activity in Ukraine, its formation and development at the present stage are given. The necessity of legislative regulation of issues of private detective (search) activity in the context of cooperation with law enforcement agencies, in particular with units of the National Police of Ukraine, is determined. The author's definition of private detective activity is presented, which is proposed to be defined as allowed by the National Police of Ukraine professional business activities of private detectives and private detective companies (agencies) to provide clients with detective services to protect their legal rights and interests on the grounds and in the manner prescribed by law . It is noted that the author's interpretation provides for the inclusion in the definition of the term that characterizes private detective activity as one of the types of business activities, as such activities are carried out on a contractual basis, profit and should be taxable under current Ukrainian legislation. Ways of cooperation between subjects of private detective (search) activity and divisions of the National Police of Ukraine are also offered. It is noted that the basis for effective cooperation between the subjects of private detective (investigative) activities and state law enforcement agencies should be the exchange of information regulated by law. This will allow not only to carry out separate (independent) activities, but also to carry out joint planning and joint measures to prevent offenses. The author notes that the most promising cooperation between private detectives and operational search units of the National Police may be in the field of search for missing persons, including children. However, in such cooperation, private detectives may have certain advantages. Compared to police officers, private detectives themselves determine the size of their workload, which will contribute to the greatest focus on a particular case. Also, the provision of paid services will promote a conscientious attitude to the assigned duties, as the amount of monetary remuneration of a private detective may vary depending on the results of his work. The author presents arguments in favor of granting supervisory powers in the field of private detective work to the internal affairs bodies of Ukraine.
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