


Private detective, person, source of information, communication


Man is a key link in the system of information sources. G. Lazutina proposes the American scientific tradition, where it is classified as a "living source", and in this - not only the direct meaning: man - the subject of activity, it is included in natural and social processes by many connections and therefore as a source of information is inexhaustible. " Indeed, a person, on the one hand - a witness or participant in events that occur around us and therefore acts as a carrier of information about these events. On the other hand, she is the holder of information about herself, about her inner, unique world. Finally, it is a translator of information received from others. The job of a private detective is that by the nature of his activity he learns some information directly from a person. The peculiarity of this source of information is that it may or may not be open to a private detective: as a social being, he himself programs his behavior, it is necessary to consider every detective who works with this source of information. So the most important thing for a detective is to work properly with the source of information, especially with such as a person. The most important thing is the art of psychological communication, with which, even in the most critical situations, without hurting a person's feelings, you can get the right information. Therefore, the art of speaking, as well as the psychology of communication are very important skills in the detective profession. Knowledge, and the main skill of application of this science in practice allows to receive the maximum return from work, as well as to get skills of "perfect behavior". The psychology of communication gives not only an understanding of people's behavior, but also the way of thinking, the process of human communication with himself and other people. Psychological analysis of professional actions is possible by observing the work at the stages of communication with partners.

Author Biographies

Frantsuz A.J., «KROK» University

Hero of Ukraine, Honored Lawyer of Ukraine Doctor of Laws Sciences, Professor, Professor of Department of State Legal

Novitskyi V.Y., «KROK» University

Master student


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How to Cite

Frantsuz A.J., & Novitskyi V.Y. (2022). PERSON AS A SOURCE OF INFORMATION FOR A PRIVATE DETECTIVE. Legal Bulletin, 60–66.



Section IV. Criminal Law, Criminology and Forensic Science