court, justice, right to access to court, protection of human rights, evolution of human rights protectionAbstract
The article contains a presentation of the results of a study of the state of legal regulation of social protection of military personnel in Ukraine and is devoted to the effectiveness of their guarantees, in particular, consideration of legal acts that define their social and medical guarantees. The article provides a general description of positive law in the field of social protection, focused attention on the specifics of legal norms regulating these legal relations and their administration by state bodies. The key aspects that negatively affect the realization of the subjective rights of servicemen and their legally protected interests in the field of social protection have been identified, and their compliance with international standards of such rights has been verified.
Particular importance is attached to the analysis of current systems for monitoring the implementation of legal guarantees, which is practically important for ensuring social justice in the conditions of martial law and protecting the rights and legally protected interests of military personnel. An analysis of the practice of administration by state bodies responsible for monitoring the rights of military personnel, as well as mechanisms of control and evaluation of the effectiveness of the implementation of the provided guarantees, was carried out.
Attention is focused on the importance of the interaction of state bodies with non-state structures in the spheres of administration and monitoring of the protection of the rights of military personnel. The problems of law enforcement in the field of social protection, which make it difficult to ensure the guaranteed rights of military personnel, are considered.
As a result of the study, recommendations were formulated for the improvement of mechanisms for the protection of the rights of military personnel, which can become the basis for the further development of legislation in this area. In general, the study focuses on the current issues of protection of the rights of military personnel in the field of their social protection in the conditions of martial law.
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