State policy, human rights, democracy, classification of public policy, classification of human rights, state policy in the field of human rights protectionAbstract
The article is devoted to studing the impact of state policy in the field of human rights protection on the development of a democratic state, analyzing the formation of state policy and its normativelegal framework. In the process of exploring this topic, the interaction between the democratic structure of the state and the protection of human rights is also studied. Additionally, the article examines the methods of protecting human rights and citizens.» created through such policies.
The author also defines the concept of «state policy» as a specific activity of state authorities in managing and directing society, including the exercise of public authority and citizen participation in state affairs. The article provides a detailed analysis of the notion of democracy, defined as «the rule of the people,» and emphasizes the necessity of forming a democratic state in Ukraine, which requires guaranteeing human rights as a fundamental principle of popular governance.
The authors underline that the formation of state policy is a key factor in ensuring the realization of human rights and societal development. In conclusion, they note that improving the classification of human rights and state policy contributes to more effectively protect the rights and freedoms of citizens.» , fosters democratic state developmen , and shapes strategic directions for societal development.
The mechanisms of the judicial and administrative protection of human rights is considered in detail, as well as the important role of the Ombudsman in ensuring the observance of human rights. Thus, the the institution of the Ombudsman aims to monitor the observance of constitutional rights and freedoms, as well as protecting the rights of citizens against possible violations.» . Additionally, there is an administrative mechanism for protecting rights, enabling citizens to lodge complaints about rights violations to higher authorities of state power or local self-government.
Particular attention is given to constitutional guarantees of human rights, as enshrined in the Constitution of Ukraine. Furthermore, Ukraine upholds significant principles for guaranteeing human rights and freedoms in its Constitution and recognizes state control and accountability for safeguarding these rights.
Thus, the improvement of state policy in the field of human rights protection contributes not only to the effective protection of citizens’ rights, but also to the development of a democratic state and the formation of strategic directions for the development of society.
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