anti-corruption activity, public organizations, civil society, state administration, institutions of civil society, prevention of corruption, crimes, war in UkraineAbstract
The article identifies and highlights the role of civil society institutions in the process of preventing and combating corruption in Ukraine in the context of war. It is confirmed that the effectiveness of measures to neutralize the corruption factor in the activities of the public apparatus in Ukraine is directly dependent on the degree of proactivity of civil society institutions in implementing anti-corruption initiatives, and therefore the need for a systematic study of the forms and methods of setting up practical interaction between law enforcement institutions of the State and the social environment in terms of preventing corruption is proved.
The author characterizes the state of scientific development of these issues and notes the insufficient attention of the scientific and export communities to the study of civil society institutions and the problems they face in combating corruption.
The paper substantiates the need to actualize a detailed analysis of the topic of civil society’s participation in combating corruption, given its significant impact on the activities of anti-corruption public authorities, as well as its role as the most effective communicator with society regarding successes and failures in anti-corruption activities.
The author identifies and characterizes the legal framework for the implementation of anti-corruption activities by the public. The author emphasizes the key role of public organizations, other legal entities, and citizens in real measures to counteract the phenomenon of corruption, given the direct interest of these entities in successfully reducing its level. The author highlights the significant contribution of public organizations to the fight against corruption in Ukraine.
The author analyzes his own experience of anti-corruption activities in comparison with the pre-war period. The key obstacles to the effective involvement of civil society in the field of corruption prevention are considered, and effective means of their elimination are proposed, including proposals for improving national legislation.
The author identifies the domestic reasons for not fully utilizing the capabilities of civil society institutions in preventing and combating corruption. The conditions for the development of participation of civil society institutions in the prevention of corruption are determined. The directions of civil society institutions to improve the effectiveness of preventing and combating corruption are identified.
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