environmental situation, crime, war, legal responsibility, legislationAbstract
The war on the territory of Ukraine led to numerous destructions not only of the infrastructure and economy, but also of the environment. Environmental crimes have become an integral part of military operations, causing irreparable consequences for natural resources, ecosystems and public health. Explosions, shelling, chemical pollution, destruction of forests and pollution of water resources have become a serious threat to the ecological security of the country, which will require recovery for a long time. That is why the issue of legal responsibility for environmental crimes during the war became extremely urgent. The war on the territory of Ukraine caused a number of environmental disasters. Damage to infrastructure facilities, such as oil refineries, chemical plants, power plants, and gas storage facilities, leads to the release of hazardous substances into the air, soil, and water resources. In addition, pollution causes explosions of munitions, the demining of territories and destruction of forest and agricultural lands. Military actions in the zone of the Chernobyl exclusion zone, where the already vulnerable ecosystem is subjected to additional pressure, are also significant risks of an ecological disaster. In addition, the war disrupts the normal work of environmental protection structures, which makes it impossible to properly monitor and control the situation in the environmental sphere. This causes long-term environmental consequences that will persist even after hostilities have ended. According to the modern laws of Ukraine, environmental crimes can fall under the jurisdiction of both criminal and administrative law. However, in wartime, the question of the effectiveness of these mechanisms arises, since it is difficult to monitor the situation and gather evidence during hostilities. Many international environmental and human rights organizations draw attention to the need to improve national legislation to effectively counter environmental crimes in conflict situations.
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