


National Police, functions, tasks, society, state, problematic issues, functional purpose.


Currently, the activity of the National Police of Ukraine in ensuring public safety is a complex and problematic process. Its functioning in the system of public safety and order involves many issues regarding legislative and normative regulation. The National Police is a special body in the state mechanism, designed to directly ensure an adequate level of public safety. According to Article 1 of the Law of Ukraine «On the National Police» dated July 2, 2015, the National Police of Ukraine is the central executive authority serving the society by protecting the rights and freedoms of individuals, combating crime, and maintaining public order. The place and role of the police in Ukraine in the system of national security are determined by the relevant functions entrusted to it. Unfortunately, the current Law of Ukraine «On the National Police» does not contain a list of functions, as it was previously in the Law of Ukraine «On the Militia.» The previous legislation, particularly in Part 1 of Article 7, defined functions such as administrative, preventive, operational-search, criminal procedural, executive, and guard functions. According to paragraph 28 of Article 10 of the Law of Ukraine «On the Militia,» a function related to the state protection of judges, court personnel, and ensuring the safety of participants in the judicial process was necessary to perform. Paragraph 21 of Article 11 of the Law provided for the performance of control and preventive functions. In our opinion, these functions, defined for the militia, remain relevant today and should be performed by representatives of the National Police. Ensuring public safety and order is an

Author Biographies

Koroleva V.V., «KROK» University

Ph.D. in Law, Associate Professor

Sofyna I.V., «KROK» University

graduate student


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How to Cite

Koroleva V.V., & Sofyna I.V. (2024). FUNCTIONAL DESIGNATION OF THE NATIONAL POLICE OF UKRAINE. Legal Bulletin, (№11), 123–127.



Section III. Particular Areas of Law