


Ukrainian radical party, «Narodna Volya» society, Kyrylo Trylovskyi, legislation (land, tax and election), human rights activities, Ukrainian state formation, Galicia.


The article reveals the activities of Kyrуlо Trylovskyi as a defender of the rights of the Ukrainian population of Galicia. It is noted that the activist took an active part in public speeches at numerous meetings and rallies, where he systematically raised important issues of defending the rights and freedoms of his native people. It is emphasized that the lawyer participated in the creation of various types of societies and organizations (the societies «Narodna spilka», «Narodna Volya»), which worked for the benefit of the interests of the common people. 

The activities of K.Trylovskyi as a member of the Ukrainian Radical Party - the first political force among Galician Ukrainians, which chose European orientations in its activities - were revealed. It is indicated that the central task of the party's activity was the formation of a separate political territory from parts of Galicia and Bukovyna with the widest possible autonomy. In the conditions of Austrian rule, the party declared it an important task to win for the population such a position that it would have complete political freedom and equality with other peoples of the empire. 

The views of K.Trylovskyi on the land, election and tax legislation of that time are characterized, in particular, the ideas of the public figure are presented, which represented his Ukrainian-centric position and focused on the protection of the rights and freedoms of the local population. In particular, considering the issue of land and tax legislation, the activist repeatedly emphasized that peasants should not simultaneously pay taxes either from a separate house where they live, or from a separate plot, but instead pay only one of the specified to the state treasury. 

Emphasis is placed on the active parliamentary activity of Kyrуlо Trylovskyi, in particular, on his speeches and speeches, which touched on the most diverse forms of violation of the current legislation, legal rights and interests of citizens by regional and local authorities. 

Author Biography

A.J. Frantsuz, KROK University, Kyiv, Ukraine

Hero of Ukraine, Honored Lawyer of Ukraine, Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of State and Legal Disciplines


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Section I. Theory and History of Law and State