Problems of protection of the rights of business entities in the commercial courts of Ukraine
commercial court, protection of rights and interests, business entities, litigation of Ukraine.Abstract
Judicial protection of the rights of economic entities is important among other forms of protection. The protection of the rights of economic entities can be considered in two ways: as the protection of the right that is exercised and implemented and the protection of the right that is violated with the use of means to restore it. Classically, the protection of rights is considered as a fact of protection of the rights of the violated. The main legislative act in the field of management is the Commercial Code of Ukraine, which enshrines the fundamental guarantees and ways to protect the rights and interests of economic entities. The Commercial Procedure Code of Ukraine has established a mechanism for reviewing a claim, application or complaint with a request to restore the violated / disputed right. The right to judicial protection corresponds to the obligation of the state to create a system of justice that will undoubtedly resolve complex, diverse and numerous court disputes, without violating judicial competence, and will ensure qualified judicial proceedings. In order to optimize the process of consideration of commercial disputes on the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of business entities, the article examines the problems that arise during the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of economic entities in commercial courts of Ukraine. The role of commercial courts in protecting the rights and legitimate interests of these entities has been studied. It should be noted that the urgency of this problem has been acute since Ukraine's independence, as regular changes in current legislation on the judiciary provide more and more topics for controversy not only between scholars but also practitioners. Ukrainian legislation in the field of economic relations not only contains many inconsistencies and contradictions, but also has significant shortcomings. The main factor that violates the stability in the field of protection of economic relations is the adoption of legislative acts that conflict with the Constitution of Ukraine and laws that were adopted earlier. The protection of the rights of economic entities in commercial courts takes place only with the personal participation of entities that have been granted the appropriate legal personality. The possibility of reviewing court decisions in appellate instances is guaranteed by the Constitution of Ukraine.
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