corruption, state power, prevention of corruption, post-war period, martial law, anti-corruption reformAbstract
The he issue of countering and fighting corruption is quite acute, especially now, when there is a war in Ukraine. In historical retrospect, our country built its own national security system of Ukraine, which declares generally accepted norms of international law, which allowed the country to establish its own European identity and launch a complex process of transformation of society, as well as the national security system. The events of recent years in Ukraine define corruption in the conditions of martial law in Ukraine as a threat to the national security of the state of Ukraine as a whole. In this context, the President of Ukraine recognized the slow fight against corruption in the conditions of martial law in Ukraine as the main obstacle to the progress of Ukrainian statehood. Corruption in the conditions of martial law in Ukraine is recognized as a concomitant phenomenon of a low level of political competition. The uneven growth of the state’s economic indicators, the weak civil society, its position and the ineffectiveness of the work of institutions become prerequisites for the development of the level of corruption in Ukraine. The mutual integration of the above-mentioned factors leads to the formation of new types of corruption in the conditions of martial law in Ukraine. A high level of corruption exists at all levels of the administrative management system and destroys its foundations.
The article provides a scientific and theoretical analysis of policy implementation in the field of preventing and combating corruption in Ukraine. The factors that influenced the decrease in the perception of corruption were identified, among which the recent constitutional crisis, the incompleteness of reforms in the field of corruption prevention due to the war, reformatting of the activities of the main subjects of anti-corruption policy implementation, whose main attention is now focused on achieving victory, lack of professional management personnel of the main specially authorized subjects in the field of anti-corruption. The activities and projects of state authorities since the beginning of the war – the National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption, other entities that provide anti-corruption activities – have been analyzed. The authors indicate that in the post-war period, state authorities and institutions implementing anti-corruption policy must first ensure the implementation of certain measures, namely: completion of the implementation of the latest electronic government technologies; minimization of distribution and permission functions; reducing the size of the state apparatus and setting salary restrictions; increasing the professionalism of officials; introduction of polygraph examination of civil servants; development of effective mechanisms of control by public organizations that are highly trusted by citizens; publication on a transparent basis of reports on the distribution of financial assistance for the reconstruction of Ukraine by industries and regions, territorial communities.
The measures proposed by the authors will reduce corruption risks in the post-war period, ensure the transparency of the activities of state authorities and increase the level of trust in them
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