terrorism, international organizations, counter-terrorism, global security, anti-terrorist strategies, UN, InterpolAbstract
At the current stage, the level of the threat of terrorism remains high, with particular instability in the Middle East and Africa regions, as well as significant challenges for Western countries. Despite the drop in the number of deaths from terrorist acts in 2019, according to the report of the Institute of Economics and Peace, the dynamic nature and unpredictability of terrorism keep the problem relevant and require constant attention and adaptation of countermeasure strategies. The article explores the role of international organizations in countering this global threat, analyzing both historical and contemporary efforts, including various intergovernmental initiatives and legal frameworks.
The article examines in detail the impact of UN resolutions and the activities of specialized committees, such as the Committee on Combating Terrorism, as well as the involvement of various regional organizations, including the OSCE and NATO. Not only measures to directly combat terrorism are considered, but also strategies that include political, economic, and cultural aspects aimed at eliminating the root causes of terrorism and radicalization.
The article also covers the activities of Interpol, which supports international efforts in the fight against terrorism by using its criminal analytical database to share information and coordinate international operations.
Special attention is paid to the analysis of the role of Interpol and its global databases, which contribute to the exchange of information between member countries and the strengthening of international cooperation in the field of combating terrorism. Initiatives to improve international standards in the criminal prosecution of terrorists are also highlighted, in particular the development of international conventions against terrorist bombings, financing of terrorism, and nuclear terrorism.
The article opens perspectives for additional research in the field of legal regulation of anti-terrorist measures and provides suggestions for further strengthening global cooperation in this field. Calling for international dialogue and the development of a single global strategy, the article aims to strengthen the effectiveness of international efforts in combating the ever-changing nature of terrorism.
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