



: protection of women’s rights, international standards, human rights, discrimination, gender equality, CEDAW, legal mechanisms, violence against women.


The article explores mechanisms for the protection of women’s rights through the lens of international human rights standards, which are a key element in ensuring equal rights and opportunities for all citizens, particularly women. Emphasis is placed on the importance of utilizing modern legal instruments to protect women’s rights, which play a crucial role in creating a just and equitable society. The aim of the study is to analyze international standards for the protection of women’s rights, assess their effectiveness, and identify ways to improve them in light of recent trends in human rights protection.

To achieve this goal, methods of legal analysis, comparative research, and expert evaluations were employed, as well as an analysis of international and national practices for the protection of women’s rights. Existing protection mechanisms were reviewed, such as the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), the UN Declaration of Human Rights, the Beijing Platform for Action, and other international treaties and agreements. Legal aspects of ensuring the proper implementation of international norms into national legislation and adherence to gender equality were examined.

The paper highlights the challenges women face in the process of defending their rights, including discrimination in the labor market, domestic violence, gender stereotypes, and lack of legal awareness. Modern approaches to implementing gender quotas, programs to combat violence against women, and other initiatives supported by international organizations such as the UN and the EU were analyzed. Emphasis is placed on the need to strengthen cooperation between governments, non-governmental organizations, and international bodies to ensure the effective protection of women’s rights.

It is concluded that existing mechanisms for the protection of women’s rights are effective but require further improvement. Proposed measures include specialized training for human rights defenders, expanding women’s support programs, and conducting additional research to develop new approaches to protecting women’s rights within the framework of international standards

Author Biographies

Stepanenko N.V., «KROK» University

PhD in law, associate Professor of the Department of Theory and History of the State and Law

Kovalenko K.V., «KROK» University

graduate of the Master’s degree


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How to Cite

Stepanenko N.V., & Kovalenko K.V. (2024). FEATURES OF MECHANISMS FOR THE PROTECTION OF WOMEN’S RIGHTS THROUGH THE LENS OF INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS STANDARDS. Legal Bulletin, (№13), 35–40. https://doi.org/10.31732/2708-339X-2024-13-A4



Section II. Civil Law and International Law

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