



mediation, mediator, conflict, dispute, child, parents, place of residence


The article examines the peculiarities of determining the child’s place of residence in family mediation. Determining the child’s place of residence during a divorce or dissolution of marriage is a complex and emotionally sensitive issue that requires a careful approach. Family mediation, which is becoming an increasingly popular method of resolving such disputes, offers a collaborative and non-confrontational process aimed at ensuring the best interests of the child. This study analyzes various factors that influence the decision-making process in such cases. These include the age and stage of development of the child, his or her preferences, and the ability of the parents to create a safe and stable home environment. It is important to consider all these aspects to ensure the most harmonious and beneficial solution for the child. In addition, the article draws attention to the role of the mediator in this process. It emphasizes the importance of facilitating communication between the parents and guiding them to a mutually acceptable agreement that best serves the child’s best interests. The presence of an experienced and competent mediator can greatly facilitate the conflict resolution process and provide a more balanced solution. It is important to note that family mediation can be an effective and efficient way to resolve disputes related to child custody and support. However, this requires trained and experienced mediators who are able to support the mediation process and ensure a balanced approach to conflict resolution. The article concludes with recommendations for improving the practice of family mediation in cases related to the place of residence of children. In particular, it emphasizes the need for ongoing training and support for mediators, the importance of cultural sensitivity, and the need to raise public awareness of the benefits of mediation as an alternative to traditional court methods.

Author Biographies

Dolianovska I.М., KROK University, Kyiv, Ukraine

Ph.D. in Law, Associate Professor of Department of the state legal disciplines

Sydorenko A.A., KROK University, Kyiv, Ukraine

graduate of the Master’s degree


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How to Cite

Dolianovska I.М., & Sydorenko A.A. (2024). FEATURES OF DETERMINING THE CHILD’S PLACE OF RESIDENCE IN FAMILY MEDIATION. Legal Bulletin, (№11), 42–49. https://doi.org/10.31732/2708-339X-2024-11-A6



Section II. Civil Law and International Law