regulation of economic activity, modern economic relations, development of economic law, business environment, international standardsAbstract
Within the framework of this scientific article, an overview of creating a comfortable business environment in Ukraine is carried out, which is key to attracting investment, developing the economy, and creating new jobs. The issues of modernization of the system of legal regulation of economic activity, its harmonization with European standards and norms, which will help to make Ukraine more attractive to foreign investors, are considered. The positive features that can contribute to the development of infrastructure, increase the competitiveness of enterprises, and the development of new sectors of the economy are studied. The evolution of the development of economic law through the transience of modern economic relations is analyzed. The paper notes the need to adapt to international standards, in particular EU standards. It is noted that adaptation to international standards creates new challenges, as it requires constant updating of legislation, as well as adaptation to changes in the global business environment. Thanks to this constant development, new problems arise that need to be answered, and effective solutions must be found through the improvement of laws and their interpretation. The article also discusses a process that may require a lot of consultations with experts, public discussions, and work on improving legal acts. It is also indicated that the directions of such changes may include the regulation of e-commerce, the protection of intellectual property, financial and tax aspects, as well as relations between business entities. Despite the intensive and progressive development of the legislation regulating the activities of business entities, systematic changes in the implementation of the opportunities provided to them can be achieved only under the condition of ensuring the effective protection of the rights of business entities, which is seen in the expansion of the basic provisions regarding forms, means, and methods of settlement of economic disputes. This issue is of particular importance in the context of a change in the approach to the procedure for establishing an effective method of protecting a violated right or legitimate interest of a business entity in accordance with the new edition of the Economic Procedural Code of Ukraine, and expanding the court’s competence in determining an effective method of protection in accordance with the content of the violation and the stated requirements of the plaintiff.
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