legislation, normative legal act, rights and freedoms, child, Constitution, laws, subordinate normative legal acts, protection of children's rightsAbstract
The work, based on the analysis of the scientific views of scientists and the norms of the current legislation, provides a description of the current state of ensuring the rights and freedoms of the child in Ukraine. It has been investigated that there is no statutory punishment for committing the criminal offense of recruitment, involvement and recruitment of children in military operations. It has been found that a number of laws have been adopted at the legislative level, the norms of which are aimed at protecting the rights and freedoms of the child, which, undoubtedly, can be evaluated from the positive side. At the same time, the list of legal acts in this area is not limited to the specified documents. One of the main components of Ukraine's state policy in the field of childhood protection is the improvement of the legal framework in the conditions of martial law, in particular, the implementation of international law and international mechanisms for the protection of children's rights. The result of this activity is that today Ukraine is a participant in the adoption of a number of international documents in the field of ensuring children's rights. It should also be noted that in Ukraine, the main approaches to the understanding and implementation of children's rights, defined by international and domestic legislation, have changed significantly in recent times. This is due to the increased attention of the state to the interests of children, the improvement of the mechanism of control over compliance with the current legislation in the field of childhood protection, the development of institutions for the social and legal protection of children, and many other factors, etc. Today, the question of the expediency of implementing international mechanisms for the protection of children's rights in Ukrainian society and the legal space remains open. The main reason for this is the fact that these institutions do not guarantee the protection of children's rights in those countries that developed and widely use them. And that is why it is relevant to study the effectiveness of the use of international mechanisms for the protection of children's rights in the world. By-laws are also an important group. The priorities of the rights and freedoms of the child in Ukraine have been determined, namely: creation of favorable conditions for the life and development of the child, a child-friendly justice system, a safe information space for children, activation of the territorial community in solving issues of ensuring children's rights in conditions of decentralization. It was concluded that during the independence of Ukraine, the legislator created a rather powerful and extensive system of protection of the rights and freedoms of children, which consists of normative legal acts of different legal force. However, one of the problems in this area is the actual absence of legal norms that establish the specifics of the legal regulation of children's rights in conditions of armed conflict.
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