


lawyer, Kyrylo Trylovskyi, national liberation movement, human rights activity, Ukrainian state formation


In the article reflects the essence of the national liberation struggles of the Italian people for their liberation from Austrian rule in the 19th century. and their place in the creative heritage of the prominent Ukrainian jurist and social and political figure Kyryl Trylovskyi. It is noted that in addition to active advocacy and socio-political activities, K. Trilovsky paid a lot of attention to the study of the peculiarities of the national liberation struggle of other peoples for their self-determination, protection of the rights and interests of the common people. The researcher proposed to use the experience of the Italian people regarding such important issues as the unity of the nation, the building of their own state, the education of patriotic citizens, the implementation of people's rule and public control in the relevant processes of national state-building at the beginning of the 20th century. It is claimed that when covering the main aspects of the revolutionary events of the Italian people, K. Trilovskyi paid special attention to the prominent figure of that time, D. Mazzini. The figure of the Italian figure is considered as the personification of the unification and unity of the Italian nation. The author characterizes the figure of the liberation movement as the initiator and ideological inspirer of the

national liberation struggles of Italians on the way to eliminating the separateness of Italian cities and regions and their unification within the borders of a single state. K. Trilovsky's assessment of the personal qualities of the leader of the Italian movement is considered. Particular attention is paid to his activities in the matter of ensuring the unity of human rights and responsibilities as an indispensable prerequisite for the freedom and progress of both an individual and the entire country.Emphasis is placed on the use of the positive experience of the Italian liberation movement as a kind of guide for the activities of Ukrainian societies and organizations in defining tasks related to the struggle for the freedom of the Ukrainian people, developing the concept of the formation of Ukrainian national consciousness with the determination of the high role of the political elite on the way to the creation of an independent democratic state.

Author Biographies

A.Yo. Frantsuz, «KROK» University

The article reflects the essence of the national liberation struggles of the Italian people for their liberation from Austrian rule in the 19th century and their place in the creative heritage of the prominent Ukrainian jurist and social and political figure Kyrylo Trylovskyi. It is noted that in addition to active advocacy and socio-political activities, K. Trylovskyi paid a lot of attention to the study of the peculiarities of the national liberation struggle of other peoples for their self-determination, protection of the rights and interests of the common people. The researcher proposed to use the experience of the Italian people regarding such important issues as the unity of the nation, the building of their own state, the education of patriotic citizens, the implementation of people’s rule and public control in the relevant processes of national state-building at the beginning of the 20th century. It is claimed that when covering the main aspects of the revolutionary events of the Italian people, K. Trylovskyi paid special attention to the prominent figure of that time, D. Mazzini. The figure of the Italian figure is considered as the personification of the unification and unity of the Italian nation. The author characterizes the figure of the liberation movement as the initiator and ideological inspirer of the national liberation struggles of Italians on the way to eliminating the separateness of Italian cities and regions and their unification within the borders of a single state. K. Trylovskyi assessment of the personal qualities of the leader of the Italian movement is considered. Particular attention is paid to his activities in the matter of ensuring the unity of human rights and responsibilities as an indispensable prerequisite for the freedom and progress of both an individual and the entire country. Emphasis is placed on the use of the positive experience of the Italian liberation movement as a kind of guide for the activities of Ukrainian societies and organizations in defining tasks related to the struggle for the freedom of the Ukrainian people, developing the concept of the formation of Ukrainian national consciousness with the determination of the high role of the political elite on the way to the creation of an independent democratic state . 

N.V. Stepanenko, «KROK» University

PhD in Law


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Section II. Civil Law and International Law