


lease, contract, lease relations, emphyteusis, land market


The article is devoted to the study of problematic issues of the development of contractual lease relations regarding land resources in Ukraine. It is investigated that the effective functioning of the land market is currently experiencing obstacles due to the imperfection of the system, gaps in the current legislation, the incompleteness of the process of transformation of economic and legal relations of land ownership, etc. It is emphasized that Ukraine continues to change the reform of land resources relations, however, there remains a crisis state of the situation in this area, which hinders the development of productive forces and the formation of sustainable land use. It has been established that contractual lease land relations are a combination of complex and multifaceted phenomena and a progressive form of management. It was stated that, in essence, rent is a flexible tool in the formation of a new structure of agricultural production and the implementation of socio-economic programs. The set of mandatory elements of contractual lease relations for land resources is highlighted. The list of factors on which the further development of these relations depends is argued. It is noted that the improvement of contractual lease relations regarding land resources in the context of the transformation of national legislation and European integration is both a political and an economic issue that concerns not only land owners and future buyers, but without exaggeration affects the interests of the whole society as a whole. The author also carried out a comparative analysis of such categories as land lease and emphyteusis in order to determine the available advantages. It was found that the economic mechanism of contractual lease relations for land resources requires further research and effective changes, despite the existing number of legislative acts in this area. In addition, on the basis of the study and the conclusions drawn, the author proposed the most important, in his opinion, steps to achieve positive results of reforming and further development of contractual lease relations regarding land resources.

Author Biographies

M.V. Hryhorchuk , «KROK» University

Candidate of Juridical Sciences (Ph.D.), Associate Professor of the department of State and Legal Disciplines

Tkachuk I.M., «KROK» University

Master student


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How to Cite

Hryhorchuk , M., & Tkachuk I.M. (2022). PROSPECTS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF LAND LEASE AGREEMENTS IN UKRAINE. Legal Bulletin, 42–47.



Section III. Particular Areas of Law