detective activity; forensic tactics, optimization of the investigation, means and limits of forensic tactics, new areas of forensic tactics.Abstract
The article analyzes the scientific approaches of criminologists to determine the nature, essential features of the concept of forensic tactics, the problems of the limits of its application, conducted a critical analysis. The current problems of defining the concept of "forensic tactics" and the possibility of using its tools in various types of law enforcement activities, including the activities of private detectives. Consideration of forensic tactics in a broad and narrow sense is proposed, highlighting the theoretical and practical aspects. Forensic tactics is considered as a scientific field, as well as the use of practical tools of forensic tactics in the activities of a private detective. It is proposed to define the concept of "forensic tactics" in the aspect of the activities of private detectives and outlines areas for further research. The role of forensic tactics in detective work is one of the steps that should be covered and described by many scientists, because forensic tactics is the basis of detective work - this is its important feature which holds almost all the effectiveness of a private detective, his strategy, strategy his behavior, the truth of his versions of a situation, systematics, psychological influence, analytical skills. That is why calling the topic relevant, I can say that many scientists have already studied the subject of forensic tactics, but due to the legal uncertainty of the institution of private detective work, such research is incomplete, because they do not contain the experience of detectives, precisely on the territory of Ukraine, subject to the Ukrainian regulation of this activity. Analyzing current trends in forensic tactics, determining the main innovative direction of research and problems of using tactical tools in law enforcement activities of detectives, which ensure its effectiveness and efficiency, is extremely important for direct business. The study established the relationship of forensic tactics with practice, modern advances in science and technology, trends in forensics and other sciences, pointed to the integrative nature of forensic knowledge, considered the modern understanding of forensic tactics, proposed its definition taking into account traditional and innovative approaches in crime. science
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