mediation, legal system, institute of mediation, alternative method.Abstract
Today, mediation is one of the most popular alternative ways of resolving disputes (conflicts) in developed countries. It involves the participation of a mediator (mediator), who helps the parties to the conflict to establish a communication process, analyze the conflict situation so that the parties can choose a solution that will meet the interests and needs of both parties to the dispute.The relationship related to the conduct of mediation and the implementation of the agreements reached during it requires regulatory regulation, given the importance of both the procedure itself and its results. Regulation of the mediation procedure, determination of the rights and obligations of its participants, the rules of registration of agreements between the parties are the basis for achieving the goals of mediation and ensuring a balance between the institution of mediation and the legal system of the country. Therefore, every mediator and every lawyer who is involved in the mediation procedure as a consultant or representative of his client must have legal knowledge and knowledge of the ethical and regulatory principles of mediation. The need to introduce the institution of mediation has long been ripe in the domestic legal system, which is due to the inefficiency and imperfection of the judicial system of Ukraine and the low rate of execution of court decisions. Given the successful application of the institution of mediation in many countries and the course of harmonization of national legislation with the legislation of the European Union, on November 3, 2016, the parliament of Ukraine adopted in first reading the draft Law of Ukraine "On Mediation". For the Ukrainian legal system, the legislative initiative to introduce regulations on the institution of mediation is a very important step. Because in the absence of national legislation that determines the legal basis for the process of out-of-court settlement of disputes, the practical application of the institution of mediation was carried out only on the basis of established practice of the European Union. According to the draft Law of Ukraine "On Mediation", mediation is defined as an alternative (out-of-court) method of dispute resolution, by which two (or more) parties to a dispute try to reach an agreement to resolve their dispute within a structured process involving a mediator. A mediator is an independent mediator who helps the parties to resolve a dispute through mediation.
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