legitimation, state, state-building processes, Ukraine, martial law, occupationAbstract
The Ukrainian state of Hetman Pavlo Skoropadskyi existed for a short period of 7.5 months (from April 29, 1918, to December 14, 1918). However, it is necessary to realistically assess the contribution and civilizational potential of the state-building processes, their legitimation in ensuring solidarity between the state, society, government, and citizens, as well as in recognizing the legitimacy of public authorities, socio-political institutions, their activities, powers, and functioning, which corresponds to the factors of legislation.
The debate over the most successful Ukrainian state formations between 1917 and 1921 leads to ambiguity in scientific approaches and assessments.
Domestic historians have ambivalent views on the role of Hetman P. Skoropadskyi in the history of Ukraine. In legal circles, these approaches are more realistic, in our opinion, taking into account the rule-making processes of state formation, the construction of legislative mechanisms and structures, compliance with law and order, the organization of an active fight against crime, etc.
Some note the reality of a relatively stable period of life for Ukrainians during the reign of P. Skoropadskyi, including stabilization in the development of the economy, financial system, military affairs, and Ukrainian scientific institutions, particularly schools, renowned universities, academies of sciences, theaters, museums, etc.
Others criticize him for political approaches aimed at rapprochement with Russian political circles. This rightly caused anger and misunderstanding among Ukrainian statesmen and politicians and served as a pretext for the anti-hetman uprising led by S. Petliura and V. Vinnychenko, which requires separate study.
There is also criticism that the power of the hetman partially rested on the occupation troops of Germany and Austria-Hungary. In this context, the question arises: Is it really possible to understand the dynamics of the forces of that time, and could the hetman have really opposed them in 7.5 months? Or did the ability to skillfully maneuver, the positive qualities of the historical figure, and the dignity of the individual provide opportunities for the existence and creation of statehood?
Pavlo Skoropadskyi, in his memoirs of 1918, presents his own vision of the problems of the formation of Ukraine as a state during wartime, which remain relevant today in light of the ongoing war in Ukraine. These reflections may serve as an appropriate basis for contemplation and comprehension of the realities of the present, by modern Ukrainians, both in the territory of Ukraine and, especially, by the Ukrainian diaspora, near and far abroad, as well as by statesmen of various levels, politicians, religious figures, and educators
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