conflict of interests, public legal relations, anti-corruption legislation, legal regulation, public administration, transparency in public administration, anti-corruptionAbstract
The article is devoted to an in-depth analysis of the conflict of interests in public legal relations, which is one of the key problems in the context of the anti-corruption fight in Ukraine. The significance of this study is enhanced in the context of Ukraine’s efforts to integrate into European legal standards and overcome corruption challenges, which is critical for ensuring sustainable development and restoring public trust in state institutions.
The author of the article highlights the historical evolution and legal regulation of the conflict of interest, starting from 2000, when the term was first introduced into legal circulation, and up to the latest legislative initiatives. The main focus is on the analysis of current legislation, in particular, the Law of Ukraine "On Prevention and Combating Corruption", which defines a conflict of interest as a contradiction between a person’s personal interests and his official duties, which can affect the objectivity and impartiality of decision-making.
The study also covers the practical aspects of identifying, monitoring, and resolving conflicts of interest in the activities of civil servants and local government officials. A separate section is devoted to the mechanisms of diagnosis and management of conflicts of interest, including preventive measures and education of non-acceptance of corruption among the population.
The purpose of the article is not only to analyze the legal aspects of the conflict of interests, but also to develop recommendations for improving existing regulatory mechanisms. This includes proposed changes to legislation, increasing legal awareness of citizens and ensuring greater transparency in the activities of state bodies.
The article addresses topical problems important for scientists, lawyers, civil servants, as well as the general public, which is interested in increasing the level of legal culture and the efficiency of public administration.
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