UNR Directory, army, military construction, military units, Armed ForcesAbstract
The article examines the organizational and legal foundations of The Directory of Ukrainian People’s Republic army development, highlights the stages of military construction, characterizes normative legal acts in the military sphere and their significance for the creation of the national army. The author makes a legal analysis of the military doctrine of the UPR Directory. Describing the Ukrainian army during the reign of the Directory, an attempt is made to clarify the legal mechanism for implementing the legislation in force at that time. The author examines the course and main directions of the legal mechanism of formation of the army of the UPR Directory in 1918-1920. The author assesses the historical and legal experience for the development of the army in modern conditions. The main features of the formation of the army of the UPR Directory in 1918-1920 are studied. The legal support of the army of the UPR Directory in 1918-1920 is analyzed. The socio-legal status of servicemen is considered, the issue of social protection of the army of the UPR Directory is studied.
The importance of interstate relations for the military construction of the army of the UPR Directory is emphasized. Positive and negative factors of influence on the formation and creation of the army of the UPR Directory in 1918-1920 are highlighted. The organization of power in the center and local areas, the formation of the state apparatus and their legal consolidation, as well as the practical application of legislative technique by personalized persons of the UPR Directory, their role and importance for the development of the army are clarified. The author draws conclusions about the relevance of the analysis of the legal framework of the UPR Directory, highlights the positive forms of activity of the UPR Directory government in relation to the army, and also points out the shortcomings of its rule that led to the decline of the army. The author analyzes the internal situation in the military circles and shows the influence of inter-party disputes and the official position of the government. The principles of formation of the main directions of military construction in the conditions of personnel deficit in the leadership circles are shown, taking into account the peculiarities of the then socio-political situation in the country. The importance of historical experience for the current development of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is emphasized.
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