


local self-government, local self-government in Great Britain, the genesis of self-government, the Anglo-American legal system


The scientific article is devoted to the formation and development of local self-government in foreign countries, it reveals the main issues of the genesis of local self-government in the countries of the Anglo-American legal system. The article presents the issues of the formation of local self-government in the UK and the main statutory legislative regulation of local self-government. The article discloses the issue of the North German association of cities, within the framework of which political rights were gradually acquired, including the right to make key, mandatory decisions at congresses of representatives of the Hanseatic cities. The article provides information on the urban self-government of France, which was created as a result of the communal revolution, during which local communities won their freedoms from royal and seigneurial power. The scientific article determines that the institutions of local self-government in European countries represent practically the entire range of models of organization and regulation of the life and activities of local communities. It was studied that each of the European countries in one way or another adhered to the European imperatives of culture and traditions, which later ensured European identity in the organization of municipal administration and was expressed in the adoption in 1985 of the European Charter on Local Self-Government, which established the general principles of the formation of local self-government in Europe. It was characterized that the theory of effective representation, according to which members of parliament represent the entire nation, regardless of the place of election, took shape in the 18th century and belonged to English law. The peculiarities of English self-government in the 19th century are presented in the article. English self-government lied in the fact that local self-government was a secondary system in relation to parliamentary self-government, therefore changes in local government followed the transformation of political institutions and changes in the arrangement of political forces in parliament; and the democratization of suffrage contributed to the formation of local self-government. It was acknowledged that the development and establishment of local self-government in Great Britain was similar to Ukrainian development, the difference lies in the fact that Ukraine belongs to the countries of the continental legal system, and Great Britain to the countries of the Anglo-American legal system.

Author Biographies

O.M. Bykov , «KROK» University

Doctor of Laws, Senior Researcher

V.B. Skomorovskyi , «KROK» University

Doctor of Laws, Professor


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How to Cite

Bykov , O., & Skomorovskyi , V. (2023). FORMATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF LOCAL SELF-GOVERNMENT IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES . Legal Bulletin, 51–56.



Section II. Civil Law and International Law