sport, physical culture, legislation, sports law, sphere of regulation.Abstract
This scientific article is devoted to the examination of the important issue in sports legislation.
It is substantiated that today the determination the place of sports law in the legal system of Ukraine is problematic. As a result, the vast majority of legal relations in this sphere remain unregulated in Ukrainian legislation. It is argued that the system of norms regulating the issue of physical culture and sports, i.e. sports law, is a new direction in Ukrainian jurisprudence, covering the general questions that arise in the field of physical culture and sports. The importance of sports in the modern world is based on the recognition of the unconditional importance of this activity for individuals, the state and society in general. From a of humanistic perspective, the highest value is placed on the individuals, their happiness, health, freedom and dignity, versatile and harmonious development, manifestation of all his capabilities.It is substantiated that in the modern period in Ukraine and throughout the world the role of legislation regulating the sphere of physical culture and sports is growing. Physical education of citizens in our country is an integral part of the healthy life of the population and the subject of special attention from the state, which necessitates a deeper study and understanding of the internal logic and regularities of the development of legal norms,
the totality of which is currently combined into the system of sports law.
The author highlighted and analyzed the main directions of the development of legislation in the field of sports
and outlined the main problematic aspects.
The main shortcomings of the current legislation in the sphere of sports are singled out, and the current
directions of the development of legislation in the sphere of sports in Ukraine, sports law as a branch of law are given. The article notes that, despite the fact that sports law has long existed in the world as a separate area of jurisprudence, in Ukraine the legislation on the legal regulation of social relations in the field of physical culture and
sports is only being formed.
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