Ukraine, Hungary, external functions, comparative legal analysis.Abstract
The modern globalized world needs the creation of a new type of international relations. The state cannot exist by itself, for its successful development it is necessary to actively cooperate with the international community. These are permanent good-neighborly relations, cooperation with leading democratic countries, and participation and active activity in universal and regional international organizations. This is required from the state, the medium type, and the existence of external threats, such as armed aggression, information wars, economic blockades by other states. The latest type of international relations, considering such factors as globalization, the transformation of modern society from post- industrial to information society, brings significant changes to the interaction of various types of external state activity. In the theory of the state and law, the functions of the state are classified according to the following criteria: according to the quintessence and tasks, according to the direction of the functions, according to the methods and means of their implementation, according to the spheres of state activity, according to the social weight of the functions, according to their time frames, etc. Recognizing that each of these scientific classifications has the right to exist, we support the opinion of those scientists who refer to such a classification the division of state functions by spheres of activity of the latter into internal and external functions of the state. Take for example the defense function of the state, which directly depends on its integration into the collective security system. Functions of the state are formalized tasks of activity for a specific period, of a specific state in the sphere of regulation of social relations, in particular, of an external nature, using methods not prohibited by national and international law in order to achieve the most advantageous positions of influence. The following sub-functions of the syncretic external function of the modern state are distinguished: foreign policy (diplomatic); defense of the state against external military aggression; foreign economic; establishment of international humanitarian relations; environmental or ecological (participation in international environmental protection); countering international terrorism and international organized crime. Within the scope of this article, we consider Ukrainian foreign policy (diplomatic), foreign economic and establishment of international humanitarian ties.
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