


Ownership, state ownership, power, regulation


The article considers a number of features of the interaction of power and property in Ukraine: the stable dominance of power over property at all levels of their interaction, the continuity of interaction between power and property in relation to the former economic system. General consequences of the unfinished privatization process and unformed social property relations. The need to privatize state property on the basis of market competition and to form an effective owner. De- oligarchization of property in favor of the state, because today such property is not only monopolistic, but also has a comprador orientation and therefore not only does not work for the growth of national capital, but also helps to support the economy and armed forces of the aggressor. Reasoned position on the need to regulate property relations. Recommendations on the prospects for the development of property rights in Ukraine are offered. It is also necessary to privatize state property on the basis of market competition and in order to form an effective owner. A number of other tasks have both political, legal and economic-regulatory orientation. The current state of Ukraine's development is characterized as an incomplete process of transformation of all spheres of society, the transition from Soviet attributes of state property, command-authoritarian form of government, etc. to modern standards of market economy and democratic principles of public relations. The scale and depth of modernization require appropriate quality content of task setting, cardinal decision-making and the formation of effective factors of development. The latter includes the social institution of private property, which performs a number of crucial functions in modern society. The urgency of considering the social institution of private property is due to its problematic formation in Ukraine, which is manifested in particular in such features as: the dominance of state property in the Soviet past, the incompleteness of the privatization process; monopolization of property and lack of market conditions for change of owners, inconsistency of power in determining the prospects for the development of private property; increasing criminalization of private law, low level of disclosure of the content of this institution in the scientific and journalistic literature. The practical aspect of the problem is complemented by a corresponding insufficient level of political awareness of the importance of this institution for solving Ukraine's pressing problems. In particular, the aspect that in order to create a favorable investment climate and support investment activity, it is necessary to ensure effective protection of private property rights.

Author Biographies

Volodymyr Hizhevskyy, «KROK» University

Vice-Rector, Candidate of Law Sciences (Ph.D), Professor

Dmytro Gromey, «KROK» University

Master student


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How to Cite

Hizhevskyy, V., & Gromey, D. (2022). PROBLEMS OF PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT IN UKRAINE. Legal Bulletin, 40–46.



Section II. Civil Law and International Law

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