

Mediation, lawyer, mediator lawyer, advocacy, law, justice, dispute resolution, reconciliation, democracy


The legal status of a lawyer in his direct professional activity, including in the relationship with the client, is extremely important, including such type of legal assistance as representation and counseling. Understanding of his legal status in mediation is no less important for a lawyer. The article is devoted to the analysis of the legal status of a lawyer-mediator under the legislation of Ukraine as of December 2020. The basic principles of advocacy and mediation are highlighted. Forms of control over the activities of a lawyer-mediator are considered. Forms of restrictions / obstacles of a lawyer-mediator are studied. The need for further research in this area is substantiated. Since Ukrainian law defines advocacy as an independent professional activity of a lawyer in providing protection, representation and other legal assistance to a client, the author examines the types of advocacy and possibility of their implementation in mediation, checks if these types of public activities are similar or contradictory. , possibly mutually exclusive, who can perform them and with what features, whether there is a conflict of interest in the implementation of mediation by a lawyer, whether there are restrictions in the legal regulation of advocacy on the ability to perform the functions of mediator, etc. Considering several years of the mediation active implementation ongoing in public relations in Ukraine, as well as the peculiarities of advocacy and the presence of ongoing discussions in various public, including professional, circles on these issues, the article provides proposals to address issues of advocacy with a combination in their practice, lawyers function as mediators, including the provision of mediation services. This article answers the question of whether mediation is a legal service, whether information obtained by a lawyer in the process of providing mediation services is the object of legal secrecy, whether the costs of mediation are reimbursed by analogy with the reimbursement of free legal assistance, or the mediator lawyer must perform the function of the subject of primary financial monitoring when providing mediation services

Author Biographies

Oksana Sedashova, «KROK» University

PhD, Associate Professor of KROK Business School “KROK”University

Ihor Zaverukha, Headof LA «LAWCO PARTNERS»

Аnattorney, Master student, University "University of Economics and Law" KROK " KROK BUSINESS SCHOOL


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How to Cite

Sedashova, O., & Zaverukha, I. (2020). PROBLEM ASPECTS OF MEDIATION APPLICATION IN THE ACTIVITY OF ANATTORNEY. Legal Bulletin, 28–35. Retrieved from



Section I. Theory and History of Law and State