threat, terrorism, counteraction, international securityAbstract
The article analyzes terrorism as a negative dangerous phenomenon that poses a real threat to the international security system.
The aggravation of the full-scale war unleashed by russia against Ukraine, the «ostrich policy» of a number of states that imitate countering and combating international russian terrorism and the criminal approaches of a number of other states that provide various kinds of assistance to russian extremism, in the form of the sale of dual-use goods (for example, electronic chips) used in the manufacture of weapons of mass destruction, have their life-threatening bloody consequences.
The escalation of socio-political, ethnic, religious conflicts and contradictions makes the society of the world realize that the definition of «terrorism» is becoming more and more dangerous on all continents of the world.
Numerous developments in the genesis, formation and development and evolution of this negative anti-human phenomenon require constant attention, as well as comprehension and understanding of terrorism as a negative phenomenon. The development and development of effective counteraction and methods of combating a common international character requires an effective domestic and foreign policy, the ability of the proper, real, functional, purposeful action of the state apparatus in the application of countering terrorism, the effectiveness of socio-economic programs, and a wide range of measures in order to combat terrorism
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