professionalization, civil servant, civil service, competence, professional training, personnel policy.Abstract
The article is devoted to the understanding of the doctrinal and legal foundations of the professionalization of public service, as one of the ways of implementing the theory of leadership in public administration. The main idea of the article is that without the formation and selection of a professional team of managers, any leader will not have the opportunity to qualitatively and fully perform public management functions. Therefore, it is important to form professional teams, as the experience of Ukraine has shown that the lack of professional training of public servants can cause sabotage in the performance of professional activities and nullify any good ideas and mechanisms for implementing a strategic vision of the development of the country, city, or industry.
An analysis of the content of the main concepts related to the topic of the study was carried out, namely: “public administration”, “public service”, “civil servant”, “personnel policy”, “professional training”, “professional training of public management personnel”, “professionalization”. Attention is drawn to the fact that comprehensive professionalization of state administration is a necessary condition for the effective functioning of the personnel system of the civil service. It was determined that the system of training civil servants should be based on the principles of professionalism and competence.
It is emphasized that in the period of reforming the state personnel system, based on the European experience, there is a need to train a competent, competitive civil servant, active in the changes and challenges of today, who will perform his professional duties efficiently and effectively. It was determined that within the framework of European integration, professionalization involves the creation of appropriate conditions for constant updating and improvement of professional knowledge, abilities and skills of specialists, stimulating them to self-development. It is emphasized that the effective professionalization of civil servants requires the functioning of an effective mechanism of interaction between state authorities and institutions of training, retraining and advanced training of civil servants and local self-government officials. The need for professionalization of civil servants in the conditions of modernization of the personnel system in Ukraine is substantiated.
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