



international sports organizations, normative documents, legal relations, sports, method, implementation


The article analyzes the influence of normative documents of international sports organizations on the regulation of legal relations in the sphere of sports in Ukraine. It characterizes the key normative documents of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), such as the Olympic Charter, which is the main document defining the principles and rules of the Olympic movement, and discusses their impact on regulating sports events on a global scale. Additionally, it examines the standards and procedures established by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), which are crucial for combating doping in sports, including the list of prohibited substances and methods. The influence of the International Federation of Association Football (FIFA) on the standardization of football rules is discussed, with attention drawn to the «Laws of the Game,» which detail the technical aspects of international matches. The importance of these documents for the Ukrainian legal system lies in their use as a basis for regulating national sports competitions, ensuring consistency between national and international standards. An analysis of the process of implementing international norms into domestic legislation is conducted, covering the adaptation and adoption of relevant laws that meet international requirements while responding to the country’s internal needs. It is determined that the implementation of international standards is a complex process that requires not only technical translation but also a deep understanding of the specifics of the national sports context. Conclusions are drawn that effective adaptation and use of international normative documents contribute to increasing the level of legal certainty, creating conditions for fair regulation of sports legal relations, and strengthening Ukraine’s international image as a country that adheres to global standards in the field of sports.

Author Biographies

Frantsuz-Yakovets T.A., «KROK» University

Doctor of Laws Sciences, Professor, Professor of Department of State Legal Disciplines

Nihrutsa O.O., «KROK» University

Postgraduate student


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How to Cite

Frantsuz-Yakovets T.A., & Nihrutsa O.O. (2024). LEGISLATION OF INTERNATIONAL SPORTS ORGANIZATIONS AS A METHOD OF REGULATING LEGAL RELATIONS IN THE SPHERE OF SPORTS IN UKRAINE. Legal Bulletin, (№11), 92–98. https://doi.org/10.31732/2708-339X-2024-11-A13



Section II. Civil Law and International Law