


Provincial Committee of Public Organizations, Ilya Shrag, national liberation competitions, revolution of 1917, Ukrainian autonomy, Ukrainian lands, Central Rada.


The article reveals the state-building activities of the famous Ukrainian lawyer and public and political figure Ilya Shrag during the revolutionary events of 1917. It is proven that the revolutionary events in the Russian Empire fundamentally changed the state system and provided an opportunity to significantly intensify the national liberation struggle among the peoples of the empire. Noticeable changes have also taken place in Ukraine, where the national movement is beginning to develop with renewed vigor, Ukrainian authorities, political parties and public institutions are being established and functioning, and culture is being revived. It is noted that I. Shrag played a significant role in these processes, as he directly participated in the coordination and organizational support of the Ukrainian national movement. Having proper professional training and significant life experience, the activist participated in state-building processes both at the local level, in his native Chernihiv Oblast, and at the national level, actively working in newly created state institutions. It is emphasized that the events of the revolution caused a group of public activists to unite around the person of I. Shrag, whose main goal was to ensure stability on the territory of the province, to create an organizational committee for cooperation with the Provisional Government and local authorities. The result of this was the creation of the Provincial Committee of Public Organizations, which existed until December 1917. The newly created committee was headed by I. Shrag. It is noted that the activist emphasized the need to reform the local government apparatus.In this regard, he paid a lot of attention to solving organizational issues and strengthening the influence of zemstvos and the city duma as local self-government bodies. It is noted that along with solving local cases, the activist takes an active part in discussing urgent issues of Ukrainian autonomy. On the initiative of I. Shrag and his associates, they were considered on the agenda of the Ukrainian congress in Chernihiv from June 8 to 10, 1917. The results of his work were the development of the text of the resolution, the author of which was Ilya Shrag. The meeting recognized the national-territorial autonomy of Ukraine, with a mandatory guarantee of the rights of national minorities. The activities of I. Shrag as a member of the Central Rada, where he entered as a representative from the Chernihiv province, are analyzed. It is noted that being a member of the Society of Ukrainian Progressives, he became one of its ideological inspirations and played a significant role in developing the organization’s political course.

Author Biographies

O.M. Bykov , KROK University, Kyiv, Ukraine

Doctorof Laws, Senior Researcher, Professorof the Department of Theory and History of State and Law

V.V. Saman , KROK University, Kyiv, Ukraine

Ph.D. in Law


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How to Cite

Bykov , O., & Saman , V. (2023). ILYA SHRAG’S STATE-BUILDING ACTIVITIES IN THE LIGHT OF THE REVOLUTIONARY EVENTS OF 1917. Legal Bulletin, (№9), 77–83.

