


right, equality of rights, judicial system, organs of NKVS-MVS, punitive organs, law-enforcement system


The article examines the issue of the anthropological status of a person in Ukraine. It is emphasized that the effective process of building Ukraine as a democratic and legal state is inextricably linked with the further efforts of scientists to research issues of an anthropological and axiological nature, which will contribute to the implementation of the constitutional provision on the recognition of man as the highest social value. The anthropological status of a person in Ukraine is considered in relation to the axiological approach of legal understanding and mental features that were characteristic of a person in Soviet society. It is emphasized that the state-centered orientation of the development of law created a basis for understanding the legal status of a person from the standpoint of a class approach, which was reflected in the Constitution of the Ukrainian SSR of 1919 and the Constitution of the Ukrainian SSR of 1929, and the formal abolition of the mentioned approach to the rights of the individual in the Constitution of the Ukrainian SSR of 1937 (chapter "Basic Rights and Duties of Citizens") existed in parallel with the actual large-scale restriction of human rights on the basis of class, the strengthening of the activities of the Soviet penal apparatus and Soviet state security bodies, the application of extrajudicial repression to persons, the creation of an extensive system of unconstitutional bodies (the Special Commission on Administrative Expulsion at the NKVD of the Ukrainian SSR (1922-1924), a special meeting at the Collegium of the DPU of the Ukrainian SSR (1924-1934), the Judicial Troika at the Collegium of the DPU of the Ukrainian SSR (1929-1934), the troika at local bodies of the DPU of the Ukrainian SSR for the purpose of forced collectivization and eviction of the Ukrainian peasantry, troikas and special troikas under the local administrations of the NKVD of the Ukrainian SSR (1935-1938)). It is noted that the state-centric policy of the Soviet government regarding the development of law, the massive violation of fundamental human rights, the neglect of its rights and freedoms contributed to the formation of mental characteristics that were inherent in the Soviet person and Soviet society as a whole, which negatively affected the legal status of women, in which women prevailed duties and responsibilities over rights and freedoms. 

Author Biographies

S.V. Kudin , State Tax University

Doctor of Law, Professor

A.V. Starostiuk , State Tax University

PhD in Law, Associate Professor

M.O. Matselyk , State Tax University

PhD in Law, Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Kudin , S., Starostiuk , A., & Matselyk , M. (2023). THE ANTHROPOLOGICAL STATUS OF MAN IN UKRAINE: A HISTORICAL AND LEGAL STUDY. Legal Bulletin, 24–29.



Section I. Theory and History of Law and State