protection of children's rights, children's rights, military aggression, safety, the child is not alone, protection of minors.Abstract
The article is devoted to the research of normative and legal regulation of the protection of children's rights in Ukraine. Children are the most vulnerable category of the population, whose rights and interests are often violated. Due to their age and psycho-emotional state, minors often become the object of manipulation, physical, psychological, and sexual violence, and economic exploitation. Therefore, they need constant maintenance and protection from the state. And these problems are especially acute during military conflicts. The purpose of the article is a comprehensive analysis of the regulatory and legal support for the protection of children's rights in Ukraine during the war. For better understanding of the topic, international documents, implemented in our country into national legislation were analyzed. In comparison, other national legislation in the sphere of protection of the rights of minors has been studied.
The issue of protecting and ensuring the rights of children has become acute after the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by the russian federation on February 24, 2022. Many of them were subjected to cruel treatment, sexual violence, torture, suffered from severe psychological stress, etc. Even in such difficult conditions, the government and the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the President of the country respond comprehensively and quickly to the challenges of today, try to ensure compliance with legal norms, protect the children of Ukraine from unacceptable life circumstances. As a result, the CMU adopted a special Resolution "On the formation of the Coordination Headquarters for the Protection of Children's Rights in Martial Law" for the coordination of central and local executive bodies, other state bodies, and local self-government bodies on the protection of children's rights in martial law. A resource for helping children during the war - "The child is not alone" - was created to help minors who were in difficult life circumstances. Amendments to the current legislation, due to the need for martial time, were made.
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