


financial market, legal regulation of securities stock market, securities, shares, securities market


The article considers the legal nature of the securities market as a multifaceted socio-economic system, on the basis of which the market economy functions. It contributes to the accumulation of capital for the investment in the economic and social spheres, restructures the economy, has a positive dynamics on the social structure of society, increases human wealth through possession and free disposal of securities, and affects the psychological readiness of the population for market relations. The securities market is the highest form of development of commodity-money relations. It is a powerful accelerator of economic development of any country, based on the harmonious development, developed infrastructure, well-established legal support mechanisms to protect the interests of all its participants - investors, issuers, intermediaries. Securities are an integral part of modern property turnover of any country with a developed domestic market. In many areas of social production, securities and other financial instruments have ensured the efficiency of property turnover of individual countries and regions of the modern world. Currently, securities are used worldwide as a legal means of certifying a significant number of different property rights. The ability of securities to act as an object of civil legal relations provides a simplified opportunity to attract free funds from financial markets, including international ones, to the economy of Ukraine. However, a separate comprehensive study of the institute of securities in economic activity was not conducted, which once again draws attention to the need for such a study. At the same time, the further development of the domestic securities market (stock market) is characterized by increased economic risks for its participants and may become a platform for unscrupulous players. In this regard, clear legal regulation of relations between market participants, proper supervision of the regulator over the activities of such participants and the availability of developed mechanisms to guarantee and ensure operations in the stock market can minimize them and create a favorable investment climate to attract foreign capital. economy. The problems of the domestic securities market have exacerbated the need for a theoretical understanding of its realities, and therefore require a new level of generalizations in the analysis of its current state, trends and development priorities.

Author Biographies

Mishchuk M.S., «KROK» University

Honoured lawyer of Ukraine, Candidate of Juridical Sciences (Ph.D.), Associate Professor of the department of State and Legal Disciplines

Butko R.S., «KROK» University

Master`s student degree


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How to Cite

Mishchuk M.S., & Butko R.S. (2022). SOME ISSUES OF LEGAL REGULATION OF SECURITIES TERNOVER. Legal Bulletin, 48–53.



Section III. Particular Areas of Law