

rule of law, rule of law, integration of legal systems, protection of human rights


The scientific article reveals the content of the rule of law as a fundamental principle of the modern state. Scientific approaches to its interpretation are analyzed. The place of the principle of the rule of law among the principles of the rule of law is determined, in particular its connection with the principle of the reality of the rights and freedoms of citizens. The study emphasizes that Ukraine is in the process of comprehensive reform and renewal of the national legal system in order to approximate national legislation to European principles and standards of law. The irreversibility of the European course and the implementation of Ukraine's strategic course for full membership in the European Union is enshrined in the Constitution of Ukraine as one of the main priorities of public policy. Attention is paid to the problems of deepening cooperation with the member states of the European Union and international organizations, which depends on the harmonization of Ukrainian legislation with the law of the European Union. Regulatory approximation is a necessary prerequisite for the transition to the next stages of integration. Prospects for harmonization of Ukrainian legislation with European law have been identified. The importance and significance of the chosen topic is confirmed by the fact that in recent years the European integration course of Ukraine is actively increasing and is irreversible, in addition, domestic law theorists have conducted several special dissertation studies on approximation of national legislation to European Union law (O. Bedova, O. Pronevich, K. Trichlib). However, given the fact that the legislation is constantly changing the approximation and specifics of harmonization with European law, this topic needs further study. Harmonization of Ukrainian legislation with EU law requires reform of the national legal system. One of the important factors of this reform is the recognition and guarantee of the principle of the rule of law, which is possible in modern conditions of social and state development only within the rule of law. Many of our traditional ideas need to be rethought to establish the rule of law in the country. Rethinking is necessary for the creation and formation of European values, laws, the supremacy of which in society could be established through their focus on the idea of law as a manifestation of justice.

Author Biographies

Natalia Zahrebelna, «KROK» University

Ph.D. in Law

O.V. Bodnia , Institute of Continuing Education Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyivst

Master’s Degree, Institute of Continuing Education


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How to Cite

Zahrebelna, N., & Bodnia , O. (2020). THE RULE OF LAW AS A FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLE OF THE MODERN RULE OF LAW. Legal Bulletin, 43–48. Retrieved from



Section I. Theory and History of Law and State