development of mediation, role of lawyers, influence of lawyers on development of mediation, stakeholders, alternative dispute resolutionAbstract
Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) is a group of processes through which disputes and conflicts are resolved without recourse to the formal judicial system. These include: negotiation, arbitration and mediation. Mediation is an alternative method of resolving disputes with the involvement of a neutral third party - a mediator. Mediation has been used successfully in many European countries and has proven to be an effective method of settling disputes. However, each country has taken its own authentic path to the introduction and promotion of mediation. Despite the fact that mediation has existed in Ukraine for more than twenty years, we remain at the beginning of the path of development and implementation of this alternative method of dispute resolution. Mediation has not yet become a common method of resolving conflicts in our society, moreover, some participants in conflicts are unaware of the existence of such a method or have a misconception about where and when mediation can be used. Like many countries where mediation is already a mandatory pre-trial procedure, Ukraine has faced a number of challenges in implementing this alternative method of conflict resolution. Research on these issues and obstacles to the implementation of mediation in Ukraine will facilitate its rapid implementation. A comprehensive and in-depth study of all the positive and negative factors that have accompanied the introduction of alternative dispute resolution methods in other countries will allow to avoid mistakes, strengthen the positive aspects and influence the negative factors. One of the conditions for the successful development of mediation is extensive cooperation with all stakeholders. The article is devoted to the study of the influence of lawyers and the legal community on the development and implementation of mediation in Ukraine. The role of lawyers in the development and functioning of mediation in other countries is considered. The role of lawyers in the mediation process is highlighted. The need for further research in this area is substantiated
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