

private detective activity, private detective, legal status of a detective, legislative regulation of the institution of private detective activity.


he activities of private detectives in Ukraine are not regulated, and there are various trends in the world regarding the legal regulation of private detective activities. The domestic legislator has never leveled the issue of adopting a special law of Ukraine on detective work, but so far relevant and consistent with current legislation and the requirements of today's law has not been adopted. Among scientists and practitioners there is an active discussion of the acceptability of the draft Law of Ukraine "On Private Detective (Investigative) Activities" and rethinks its rules, which contradict the current constitutional and domestic legislation in general. Private detective activity is not surrounded by goals, which are legislatively intended for operational-rooting activity and investigation, and on the basis of them - not just the same anti-criminal directness. The activity of private detectives is officially declared in the norms of the Russian Truth, I want to know the positions of those who are not so private as the detective activity of the victor is on the dawn of the inception of statehood, protests of the recent days. The activity of private detectives in Ukraine is not regulated, but there is a clear trend towards the legal regulation of private detective activity. So, in some parts of the world there is a general rule of thumb about the visibility of the official reorganization of private detectives, as a subset of the process of private detective activity; in the list of candidates there are candidates for private detectives. To the unambiguity of the legal regulation of private detective activity, it is not a matter of many scientific discussions. In Ukraine, there is no separate specialized legal act that would regulate the peculiarities of private detective activity, but attempts at the legislative level to recognize such activity as official have been repeated. Thus, the legislators submitted for consideration about 10 projects on private detective work, but only one of them received the support of the majority of parliamentarians and was accepted, but later "promised" by the President of Ukraine.

Author Biographies


Hero of Ukraine, Honored Lawyer of Ukraine Doctor of Laws Sciences, Professor, Professor of Department of State Legal Disciplines

Inna Trigub, “KROK” University

Master student


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2020-02-06 — Updated on 2020-02-06


How to Cite

FRANTSUZ, A., & Trigub, I. (2020). IMPROVEMENT OF THE INSTITUTE OF PRIVATE DETECTIVES IN UKRAINE. Legal Bulletin, 9–13. Retrieved from



Section I. Theory and History of Law and State