Ключові слова:
mediation, confidentiality principle, exceptions from confidentiality, vertical confidentiality, horizontal confi- dentiality.Анотація
The article analyses confidentiality principle in mediation and its exceptions in Latvia. Since 2014, when Mediation Law was adopted in Latvia, a number of mediated disputes has significantly increased. Although from the surface a principle of confidentiality seems to be with explicit content and clear borderlines, nevertheless theory and practice shows zones of still undefined concepts, which until now have not been analysed in Latvia. The object of the research is a concept of confiden- tiality principle. The aim of this work is to analyse scope of subjects of confidentiality principle, and elaborate on preconditions to for exceptions from mediation confidentiality. Methods of scientific and professional literature review, document and comparative analysis, as well as interview method was applied in this research. The topic of the article is discovered both from theoretical and practical aspect.
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Latvijas Republikas Advokatūras likums [Advocacy Law of the Republic of Latvia]. Latvian Law. Adopted on 27.04.1993. 15. Litvins, G. Alternatīvās tiesību aizsardzības un strīdu risināšanas metodes administratīvajā procesā [The alternative law enforcement and dispute resolution methods in the administrative proceeding]. Doctoral thesis. Defended in 2012. Available at: