Areas of state protection of the rights of children belonging to the most vulnerable categories


  • І. М. Доляновська «KROK» University
  • А. Ю. Мацик «KROK» University


children, problems of children’s rights protection, state protection


The article outlines the main problems that arise in Ukraine in the protection of the rights and interests of children belonging to the most vulnerable categories. The problem of ensuring the rights of the child - one of the painful problems of humanity. Children due to the age-old peculiarities of development make up a group of people characterized by naivety, trust, dependence on others, the ability to handle various manipulations and abuse by adults. They are one of the least protected groups of the population. That is why they need the greatest protection of the state.

Author Biographies

І. М. Доляновська, «KROK» University

Ph.D. in Law, Associate Professor.

А. Ю. Мацик, «KROK» University

Post-graduate student.


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How to Cite

Доляновська, І. М., & Мацик, А. Ю. (2018). Areas of state protection of the rights of children belonging to the most vulnerable categories. Legal Bulletin of «KROK» University, (33), 97–103. Retrieved from



Section III. Particular Areas of Law